Client.downloadstring utf8

Description > Client.downloadstring utf8

Click on link to DOWNLOAD:Client.downloadstring utf8 - Link

What happens if you don't set credentials on the webclient. It's very likely that you need the credentials for the proxy, but not for google translate. Another thing that caught my attention is that you didn't explicitely specify the proxy servers address. You'll have to ask your network administrator what name and port to use. Cheers Manfred Hi, I am getting the error:407:Proxy Authentication Required! Proxy-it returns Error 407-ProxyAuthentication Required! Value; return result; } Hi Manfred, Thanks for your time and help. Chances are they have and client.downloadstring get it. Provide an answer or move on to the next utf8 />Let's work to cllient.downloadstring developers, client.downloadstring make utf8 feel stupid.

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